Totally Indian

Monday, May 01, 2006

Useful Life?

Have you calculated how many hours you spent on gossiping, nitpicking and complaining today?
Look around. Even inanimate objects like chairs, tables, pots & pans exist for a purpose. Man’s inventions like refrigerators, phone and electricity are for a purpose. They help in making our life comfortable. Then, with even the inanimate making themselves useful why is mankind far behind?
We always think that we are being useful. We work hard at our jobs, to keep good health and please our children. But then we are being useful only to ourselves. When was it that we made ourselves useful to others? When did you last criticize your boss, complain against your colleagues, show disdain for your relatives and neighbours?
Lets, try it this way. Have you
Helped your colleagues overcome his problems?
Listened to a friend and helped him to attain his ambitions
Helped someone to complete his studies?
Fed the hungry?
Gave companionship to the old and needy?
Nursed someone who was sick when you had the time?
Charity begins at home. The Bible says Love Thy Neighbour
Cultivate love, compassion and you will find flow of mercy, helpfulness and kindness in others too.
You will learn to appreciate good qualities in them too.
Being useful creates in one’s own self as sense of worthiness and a rise in self esteem. This will lead to a healthy society.
Start now!
Ideas by Sangeeta and Anjani