Totally Indian

Monday, November 20, 2006

Causes of Cancer

Is cancer caused by an injury?
Is cancer contagious?

80 percent of all cancers are related to the use of :

1. Tobacco products
2. What we eat and drink
3. Exposure to radiation
4. Cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) in the environment and the workplace.

Are you a regular smoker? If you have been smoking for a long period of time,your chances of getting cancer increases. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and many other kinds of cancer. But,if you have quit smoking your risk of getting cancer begins to decrease gradually every year.So,if you are thinking of giving up smoking, it's not late. Moreover,your smoking can put your loved ones at risk of cancer too, popularly known as involuntary smoking.
Chewing tobacco and use of 'smokeless tobacco' causes throat and mouth cancer.But,again if you stop it's use,your tissues which may have reached the pre-cancerous stage can change and become healthy once again.
Even if you maintain healthy eating and regular excercise habits, but use tobacco in some form,you are at risk of getting cancer.Hence giving up tobacco can be a major step towards prevention of many kinds of cancer.

Food and Drink-
We all know that eating a well-balanced diet high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals is the key to healthy living.
Your meal should include five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Choose more whole-grain breads and cereals.Our indian roti is much more healthy than rice and bread. Minimize the use of eggs, high-fat meat and dairy products, butter, margarine, and cooking oils. Drink plenty of water. Drinking alcohol also increases risk of cancer.Too much alcohol can destroy your liver and cause liver cancer.

Radiation and Sunlight-
It is believed that exposure to large doses of radiation from medical x-rays can increase the risk of cancer.
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun and other sources can cause skin cancer. In a tropical country like India,it is difficult to escape the sun, but covered clothing is a good way to block the harmful UV rays.

Some metals, chemicals, or pesticides are also known to increase the risk of cancer.A substance or agent that causes cancer is reffered to as a carcinogen.
  1. Asbestos-Exposure to asbestos usually occurs by breathing contaminated air in workplaces that make or use asbestos.The tiny fibers can enter the lungs and lead to scarring or cancer of the lungs.
  2. Benzene- It is a sweet smelling but, highly toxic hydrocarbon . Long-term exposure to benzene is known to cause leukemia and aplastic anemia .Benzene probably induces DNA damage in hematopoietic stem cells leading to leukemic clones of cells.
  3. Benzidine-It is used for dyeing textiles and papers and was one of the first chemicals for which an urinary bladder cancer in humans was reported.
  4. Cadmium-It is a metallic element and its salt causes cancer.
  5. Nickel-It is a silver-white metallic element. Long-term exposure to nickel fumes can cause nasal and lung cancer.
  6. Uranium-This metallic element is used as nuclear fuel and is highly toxic and radioactive. They break into radon particles and can be inhaled by workers along with other dust particles causing lund cancer.
  7. Vinyl Chloride-They are used in the manufacture of plastics and long term breathing of vinyl chloride can cause brain tumours, liver or lung cancer.
  8. Lastly, your age, genetic make-up of your body and viruses can also account for various types of cancer.

Scientists believe all of the above to play an important role independantly or together in causing cancer.Can you believe that polluted air can also be a reason for cause of cancer.It is not known for sure, but some types of cancer maybe hereditary. Also a strong body immune system can fight diseases better. But,several issues have made it more complicated and confusing about causes of cancer such as using teeth whiteners, intake of too much milk, use of microwave ovens, using hair dyes and many more. If we begin to follow every issue we read about cancer causes, it may become even more difficult for us to live. (Read most recently asked questions on causes of cancer.)

My father quit smoking some years before he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (but not lung cancer). I was quite surprised with this diagnosis as he had always maintained a healthy diet, went on regular walks, even started following the famous pranayaam(yoga) and never worked with or near chemical polluted areas.So,what could have been his cause of cancer? Viruses, maybe smoking, or was it just his bad luck? But, the truth is that in most of the cases we are unable to decide the actual cause of cancer.Much research is being done to understand this mysterious disease, but a complete understanding and cure is yet to be deciphered.

So at this stage of information about the causes of cancer, it is best to follow healthy diet and excercise habits and be aware of the known carcinogens and avoid them as best as you can!

Next, I will discuss about the treatment for cancer, its positive and negative aspects.