Totally Indian

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Man Of Caliber

Amit Kishore Prasad,
Founder of SatNav Technologies
Pioneers in Navigation, Telematics
and Facilities Management related products
(Face to Face)

At a young age he has attained much ! He continues to make his family proud.I would like to wish him all the best for a very successful future!


  • Yes, I agree with you. he is certainly a man with calibre!! Well done Mukesh. We are all proud of you. The best thing that I liked about your interview was that I could understand it. Usually business magazines interview are beyond my understanding!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 01, 2006  

  • Mukesh deserves our blessings and good wishes. At this young age he has taken tremendous job to enter the software market which I feel is crowded. Right-he is bright, thoughful and competitive. I wish him luck and god bless him in this job.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 04, 2006  

  • No words are enough in appreciation of for Mukesh bhaiya's achievement.I have not seen anyone achieve so much in so little time.

    Because of your clear thought process and vision we were able to understand your interview so easily.It has been a matter of pride and honour to introduce you to my colleagues here.They say "What are you doing here in Oracle ! You have such a dynamic bro, join him:-)"

    Well done Mukesh bhaiya, we are proud of you.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 06, 2006  

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