Totally Indian

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Written by Dr. Anjani Kishore Prasad

To start with I am writing what I wrote on the 1st of January.

Jan.1st 2006
A couple of days ago Anjali suggested that I should write anything - thoughts, experiences, events, past and present. She said there is no dearth of subject. First start writing.

1st January is a day of resolution. What should I resolve? My health is failing, I am getting weak, my feet is edematous, I am anemic needing regular blood transfusion, and worst bowel upset.
...Still I have to resolve, one gets strength.

My first thought is positive thinking. Think positively for better life, with full faith and confidence in God. He will give strength, energy and confidence.
My second thought is love all, help all as far as possible.
Third and final thought avoid loneliness; keep engaged on something useful and fruitful. This includes exercise and reading religious books. With this aim I am going to meet this year.

16th March 2006
We have observed that elders give blessings to youngers by saying "Kush Raho"or 'be happy'.This tradition I followed yesterday during holi.Analysing, we get to the subject that happiness is essential for our life, and will keep us healthy,wealthy and wise.
The question is what is happiness and how we can keep ourselves happy.We look around and find that many of us feel happy in material gain, friendship, and luxury.We are really happy in amassing money,trying to keep without any thought of sharing with the needy.Life style and competion are other aspects we think is essential for happiness.But,there are persons who are happy in helping others, trying to bring some moments of life, food to the needy.During stress, illness and on difficult periods we take shelter of God to give back the life and his happiness.
There are ways, many ways,which we practice and crave to achieve happiness. Thus we find that anything and every thing we need for a happy life is within ourselves.

But basic question stands, are we really happy, do we have the inner satisfaction of peace and happy life.

If you are interested on this abstract thought, please write.


  • Dear Daddy,

    No words are enough to show how and what we feel for you.You have been source of inspiration to one and all.Tuttu is blessed to have worked with you professionally along with you being his Sanjhale Mama.Yet for the rest,you just being our "Daddy" is what we all ever thought of,that was what we ever wanted!...Tuttu you are really blessed :-).

    The way you have been a guiding force of "Jugal Niketan",the way you have always thought straight and thought clear,the way you have always been our "Daddy"...we have got more than what we deserved.

    There are so many things that I want to imbibe from you,but for my inability to do so.

    We have always listened and always been told that "One should enjoy whatever may be the situation".I always searched for some practical examples, my searched ended when I realised how you deal with life.

    May GOD give you great happiness and eternal health.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 17, 2006  

  • Yes,there are some people who are only interested in acquring wealth for themselves,but the people who contribute to helping others are in real sense a true human being.

    And,Daddy,I hope all of us learn from your thoughts and experiences and become at least a bit of what and how you are.
    I feel proud to have been honoured with the privelage to post your writings and hope to continue doing it regularly!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 17, 2006  

  • Respected uncle,
    Its been a long time since we met or talked but when I read your blog I felt how important these lessons are that our elders give to us, that we can share with our children. Now that we are parents we realise these facts in a different light too.

    Once we can move ourselves from greed, be it any kind we can see things in a different perspective.It is a hard thing but usually fulfilling once achieved.

    Uncle I wish you share more thoughts with us and these lessons learnt are treasures for not only us but also for our children.I hope to hear more from you soon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 17, 2006  

  • Dear Daddy,

    When I think of my childhood days and the annual vacations to Patna, one thing which stands out in memory is the way you have already taken care of everyone around, sometimes even by inconveniencing yourself. I remember instances where we used your car to visit places and you opted to go to hospital with a colleague and once even came back by rickshaw.

    I recall seeing so many patients who come to get checked up and then go away with snacks, cool drinks and a good time at your place. I even asked you once why you spend so much time and energy with them without taking any money when you know they have come for a specific purpose of getting a checkup / treatment and you patiently told me that in the long run all the goodwill is important so you prefer to overlook the small things. Today I dont know how many of those people still drop by to say hi to you, but in today's age I would not be suprised if they became 'busy' elsewhere with their other commitments so it is just ok.

    Starting from our grandparents and their relatives, to your own generation, our generation and also our children have all been touched by you positively in some way or the other. Such a widespread positive impact across generations is a big testimony of the good use you have made of your life and continue to do so.

    I felt very happy to know from our call yesterday that the homoeopathic medicines are now making a slight improvement in the various ailments, I hope god will be kind and keep you in better health in the coming months such that you can visit us soon.



    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 17, 2006  

  • Dear Daddy,
    I have learned from you and mummy that whatever the circumstance may be one should always fight and remain happy. Both of you have always made us proud. I wonder if we could ever set such examples for our children. I always try to find happiness by being involved in the happiness of people who I care for. THANKYOU FOR MAKING ALL OF US PROUD.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 21, 2006  

  • Respected Sanjhale Mama,

    Sadar Pranam.

    It was so nice to see you sharing your thoughts through this blog. As you can see from everyone's comments here, you are a role model for the next generation. I am sure that you are a role model of thousands of other people who have known you personally and professionally.

    Sanjhale Mama, in response to Anjali Di's blog on the topic of staying in the US or in India, you have mentioned that had you stayed back in the UK you would have been famous and rich. Since 'rich' is a very subjective thing, I will not comment on that, but I definitely think that you are famous in India and you have touched a lot of lives - people who really needed help; I am not sure that you could have done that staying in UK. Given a choice and even being a generation apart, I will still like to live the life the you have lived rather than staying in a foreign country for some material gains. I am not sure that I will be as big a role model for the next generation as you have been, but I will definitely try in my humble way to live the life that you have lived.

    Coming to the subject of happiness - my opinion is that I will be happier if I am close to my near and dear ones and if I get to share the precious moments of my life and the lives of my near and dear ones. I would also be happier if I am of some help to people who have not been as blessed as I am. I would be extremely unhappy if knowingly or unknowingly I hurt any of my near and dear ones. I completely agree with you, it's all within ourselves, we need to step back from time to time and think what makes us happy - there is no one answer to this and it is not a constant. Things that give me happiness today are not the same things that gave me happiness a few years back and I am sure will change in future as well. It's important to step back from time to time and think if we are on the right track or not; are we happy or not; and if required, change course accordingly. One more important thing is HAVE TRUST IN GOD - if we have trust in God, and if we believe that eventually everything that happens to us has a reason behind it, it gives us a lot of strength and keeps us in a positive mindset. If we have trust in God, we will not do stuff that will make it difficult for us to face GOD and our parents/elders.

    Although I was too small I still remember those days when you used to come back from Libya and that used to be a big event in Patna. I also remember the days when you moved back to Patna permanently and how that changed all of our lives for better. Mummy often tells us that you should be like Sanjhale Mama - he can mix with people of any age. If he is with kids, he will talk at their level, if he is with his friends he talks at that level etc... We have so many fond memories of childhood and I still miss being in Patna with everyone else. I know Mummy/Daddy also got a lot of strength with you and Sanjhali Mami being around and knowing that they can always count on you for anything and everything.

    Your health has been a major setback for all of us. I often see Mummy/Daddy also worrying so much about you. Although I am a firm believer of God and Destiny, this is something I have not been able to reconcile with - I am not able to figure why this was bestowed on all of us. This is a tough one and maybe some day I will figure this one out. All of us always pray for your good health and I hope God gives you and all of us the strength to cope up with this.

    Please do keep writing - it will mean a lot to us. Please do not break your new year resolutions!

    With Warm Regards,

    By Blogger Kush, at March 21, 2006  

  • Thanks for your comments on my blog, Happiness. I first feel grateful and at the same time proud that you all have so much love and affection for me, almost I am being idolized. Had no idea of being so great, and if you all have wished and said so, please follow the spirit of love, service and help as far as possible to the needy and deserving ones.
    I am glad that Suparna replied and am happy to read your thoughts. It is not my desire to go individually to comment on your observations, but this much is clear that we all are appreciative of the fact that Happiness is essential for our living, thoughts and day-to-day life. Few comments have really given me positive ideas.
    Thank you all once again. Anjani

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 23, 2006  

  • Pranam Sanjhala Bhaiya
    Very happy to see you on regular mail.I also had desire that you should write about your experiences .Sometimes I even told you to write your experiences of this dreadly descease.Thanks Anjali that you motivated S.Bhaiya to write.Your views on different topics will surely benifit us and specially the younger generation.
    I feel that you are the most sensitive member of our family and what ever you will write you will write from your heart.Simple people do not realise what they mean for others and S.Bhaiya you are one among them.
    Back to the topic Happiness is a really very subjective feeling.I also feel that happiness lies in ourself.We ourself are the creaters of happiness and unhappiness in our lives.This is tha reason that even a millionare is not happy whereas a middle class man is happy.I feel satisfaction leads to happiness otherwise in this competitive days one cannot manage to be happy.
    We pray that God give you strength to be active and be in touch with your valuable views.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 25, 2006  

  • anjali did u get my answer bahut bada answr s,bhaiya ko diye the nahi mila hoga toh bhokar parker ro denge bahut mehnat se likhe the c. fua

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 25, 2006  

  • Dear Daddy,

    you are one of the most respected persons in my life. I have laernt a lot from, though not always expressed so. For past few days, after reading the views of several thought provoking and excellent expressions, I was thinking what to write. You are role model for many of us, as Tuttu has rightly pointed out. It is very easy to believe in one principle or philosphy, but more difficult to put in practice. but your behaviour to everybody is so natural and spontaneous that is really great. You are so natural and simple ...I admire it and not hesitating in saying that this simple and natural thing is not so easy to achieve by somebody .. at least I have not found such persons in my vicinity..

    Happiness... people define it as per their convinience. but to my mind, it is eternal happiness..that matters . It is a stage where one is neither excited at sudden pleasure nor depressed after being down. very easy in saying.. but difficult to feel and even more difficult to practice in life..

    I think it is enough for today. I will keep sharing my views from time to time..


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 27, 2006  

  • Jijajee,thankyou for writing in my blog.Actually,thanks to each one of you for contributing to my blog regularly.After daddy's blog I am kind of stuck as to what to write next? Any ideas??????

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 29, 2006  

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