Totally Indian

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Joint Family *

After the beautiful and touching blog "Happines", I was not really sure what to write from my side.But, I have to continue blogging......
Hope you like this......

We were fourteen brothers and sisters all together.Well,we were actually cousins but lived in one big house !
And when my Aunts visited,we would be a whole bunch of twenty-seven cousins. Of course,the older would form their own group,but that did not stop us younger ones from having fun.We were like one big team sharing all the good and bad times together.The festivals and joyous moments were celebrated and shared with great alacrity and happiness. There were some sad and tragic moments which brought us all even more closer.With brothers and sisters of all ages to interact with,we learnt and experienced different aspects of life at an early age.

Living in a joint family has its own advantages and disadvantages.I did not see many disadvantages and happen to recall all the happy times especially during the summer vacations when we had lot of fun together.The heat never seemed to bother us children during those days.The entire house seemed to be echoing with fun and laughter.

The carrom-board championship used to be the most popular and boisterous event. There would be a big fuss, heated discussions,anger,frustration and one by one we would play and lose, leaving two finalists in the end.Another attraction in the hot summer months was the sound of the icecream man. Sometimes one of my uncles would treat us with all the icecream we could eat.We literally created a rampage with the icecream man struggling to keep track of the ones sold !
I cannot remember the number of times we tried to save the sparrow's eggs.Every time an egg would fall down the nest, it would become a project for us to place it back in its nest.I still stand baffled as to why the mother sparrow would renounce that egg and drop it again.This act made us sad ,but we never stopped helping and trying to save the fallen eggs.
Then,we would line up on the terrace all excited, ready to help the cousin flying a kite and battling in the sky with other neighbours.This was the most popular sport we had during those hot and humid summer evenings.We also played cricket,breaking glasss windows of other houses a few times.
Sometimes the heat outside forced us to stay indoors,but failed to lower our spirits.We played games with cards.We could sit for hours and chat,tell stories and jokes.We never missed watching cricket tournaments on television.Infact our parents,uncles and aunts joined us too making the house a stadium in itself.
And how can I forget to mention the times when some of us mischevious ones would creep into the 'prohibitted for kids' area and steal the goodies,choclates and pickles from jars and pantries? We would collect all relished snacks and have a picnic of our own.In all we remained busy having fun the entire summer.

Now that we are grown-ups, all that energy, curiosity, simplicity and innocence seemed to be lost somewhere back in time.I miss what I consider to be the golden era of our lives.But,we all still remain in touch with each other.Thanks to the internet ! Even though we live miles apart,we still remain as one big family, sharing our happy and sad stories regularly.


  • Anjali, your post made me nostalagic. The family gatherings, the tea on the verandah, the courtyard and the functions that we held. Believe it or not, even today when I see a house that has a courtyard and a verandah I start seeing our entire family gathered there. The best part of the family was in what we learnt. We learnt very important values of respect, tolerance and acceptability. The love and affection that we received made us confident individuals. I would go on to say that a lot in our personalities have been due to the exposure to joint families. Above all, this forum made us realise the right and the wrong. I deeply regret that I have been unable to give my children this exposure. Sharing and caring can only come after a bonding occurs and this family bonding is my JAMA PUNJI in life.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 30, 2006  

  • Your article does take us back to our childhood,fun-filled days.Sadly,the system of joint families has almost come to an end now.Our children will never be able to realize the importance of it and even if they do may not be able to respect it like we did.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 01, 2006  

  • Vinita Said...
    The Joint Family is the gift of Indian society yet Indians themselves are now not aware about its bringing up their kids.Today it has become a topic of research for the Sociologists and a blog for anxious people like Anjali.But it is yet not late for the young parents to give their kids same type of environment.It is not necessary to live together in the same house to have a joint family.Because todays work culture do noy permit the kids to stay with their parents and make a joint family.'Joint Family'today must be percieved from a wide perspective.From this point of view I personally feel that even if you are far away from your parents it does not mean that you do not belong to a joint family.First the young parents should give time to their parents and in this way they will be a role model for their own kids.Giving time means the members of a family must be emotionally attached to each other.Give time in your feelings,in your thoughts. The life should be such that happiness,pain and sufferings of even one member should be experienced in the same way by each and every members of the family.In this way no member will be alone to face the situation.This feeling of oneness will give strength to all the members of the family.You must have faith that when I am in trouble the whole family is behind me.In this way of life many times you will have to face problems which was experienced in literal meaning of joint family.Young parents do not be scared that they are not giving the right exposure of joint family.Sharing and caring will develop in the kids when the young parents are first themselves emotionally attached to their own parents and family members. For this it becomes duty for them to make their kids attaced to their grand parents and cousins.Result will be neither the elderly members of the family will feel lonely nor the kids will be deprived of affection from their grand parents and bonding with their cousins.Today this is JOINT FAMILY.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 02, 2006  

  • Panchanan Prasad Kochgaway Said...
    It seems from the comments that young parents who are due to various reasons are unable to give their kids the environment of a joint family.It is true that the joint family values have breaked somewhere. But it is not too late to start anything.Respect,tolerance and acceptability is very essential for a happy ,combined family life.This can be developed in todays kids so that when young parents in future become grandparents enjoy the life of togetherness of a joint family.In this way JOINT FAMILY won't become a Hiistory and a topic of research.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 02, 2006  

  • anjali
    your feelings depicted in words was really a memorable part of life which all of us surely miss today.Everything flashed before my eyes.I remember how we celebrated 25th dec and when we discussed about it in college with sisters then they got so thrilled that non-christians also enjoy christ's birth.celebrating 1st jan is another event which every year i miss.To be a part of joint family is really boon and children today are really deprived of it.i agree they can be given the essence of joint family but inculcation of values as mentioned by sangeeta in true sense is possible only by being a part of such family physically.still young parents who have been lucky to be a part of joint family can transfer the values to their children and surely the kids will benefit out of it.mothers who themselves realise its importance can never fail to deprive their children in value based education.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 03, 2006  

  • Yes,Fua....the New Year celebrations were lot of fun!Remember Badki fua's biryani?
    And a few more......!!The dancing,and all the masti.All of it is so fresh in my mind as though it happened just yesterday!And who can forget the Vaishnav Devi trip?It was a comic trip along with a religious one!!I have to write about it some day.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 06, 2006  

  • Anjali Di - to start with I am wondering who are those 'mischevious' kids who used to steal chocolates, mangoes, achaar...!! Did they get caught red handed once a while!! Did they also do something else like turning off the main switch of Bari Mausi's house when there was a party going on - which incidently broke the main switch and Lalan Jijajee had to show his engineering skills to fix the problem. Just wondering.... ;-)

    Bari Mausi's biryani reminds me how Manjhale Mausa fed the dog that day!! Even today Bari Mausi gets angry when you talk about it.

    Something else also comes to my mind - those monthly 'Kitty Parties' and how much fun we used to have in those parties. And also the 'Litti' parties!!

    ...and April Fools and you & Sameer Bhaiya studying(?) together and going to Banaras with a full baraat to appear in exams!

    ...and those dramas that we used to create when coming back from JNRd! And how we used to feel so elated when Daddy gave us permission once a while to stay back in JNRd!

    ...don't forget the fun around Chatth festival when we would stay awake all night and play 'What's the Good Word'!!

    ...and more and more.

    Really those days were golden days and like I have said in response to an earlier article, I do acknowledge that having grown up in such a closed knit family along with so many cousins has helped shape all our personalities. I completely agree with Mummy's views on how we can give the next generation a similar JOINT FAMILY feeling!

    By Blogger Kush, at April 07, 2006  

  • Well Kush,I am not going to say anything........but,one thing is 100% clear from your comments that you were a part of that mischevious team!!Ha,ha ha......

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 09, 2006  

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